September 14th, 12 pm MST










Empower Your Financial Future

Get one step closer to building prosperity, creating financial freedom and mastering your wealth goals.

Senior Wealth Advisor

With Wellington-Altus Private Wealth

100+ Families

Have achieved financial independence and success working with Julie

10+ Years Experience in building wealth for clients

In the financial sector

This Masterclass is for you if you're...

  • Ready to be more confident with your finances
  • Want to make the right money choices for your future without sacrificing your lifestyle
  • Tired of waiting for “one day” and want to set up and protect your financial future today
  • You’re an employee and wanting to maximize after tax income 
  • You're a business owner and want to diversify your assets


During this 60-minute virtual masterclass,
you will learn...


How to have confidence in managing your finances

We’re getting physiological - it might surprise you to learn just how much of your money mindset is based on beliefs and perceptions learned from others. I’ll share how these experiences have influenced your financial decisions and the actions to take to correct them.


How much you should save to reach your financial goals

I’ll teach you how to set goals, talk strategy, and create a plan for YOUR financial prosperity. Basically, everything you should have been taught in school… but weren’t!


Which investment strategies apply to your unique situation

I’ll break down all the popular (and maybe unknown) types of investment vehicles so you can make your spending and investment decisions count. You’ll walk away with the next steps on how to best invest in #futureyou.


Why INSURANCE plays a major role with your investments

Yes, insurance goes hand in hand with your investment strategy. Learn what types of insurance would work best for you and how to take the first steps (if you haven’t already), to protect yourself.


Why giving up your Starbucks latte won’t make you rich

Taking care of yourself financially needs to include your thoughts, emotions, and actions around money. It’s all about figuring out what a balanced lifestyle looks like for you and then making a commitment to adhering to a set financial plan.

At the end of the Masterclass, there will be a Q&A with Julie to ask specific questions about your own financial journey. You will also have the opportunity to chat offline with Julie via email.

After working with Julie for six months, I was able to grow my savings to a point where I was able to comfortably invest in increasing my wealth to take my small business to the next level. I’ve achieved financial independence and financial freedom working with Julie!


Lana Rogers

“I’ve dabbled in investing and already knew the importance of business insurance, but Julie taught me how to make sure both sides were working in tandem to build my personal wealth. Working with her has shown me that I had a lot of internalized guilt and fear around money and now my mind is at ease because I know that my money is working for me at multiple levels.”


Samatha Baker

This free 60-minute Masterclass will be held over Zoom. Julie will walk you through 6 video modules, each providing you with financial templates to build your own prosperity playbook.

Register via email and the zoom link will be sent directly to you the day before the Masterclass. 


Meet your Host

Julie Shipley-Strickland

Hi, I'm Julie

Passionate, forthright and dynamic, I build strong relationships with my valued clients by understanding their goals, supporting their concerns and providing thoughtful and strategic solutions.


As a Senior Wealth Advisor with Wellington-Altus Private Wealth and a Senior Insurance Advisor with Bergh Tatomir & Associates, Julie provides independent investment advice, financial planning, insurance solutions and clear guidance to entrepreneurs, executives and their families.

As one of the few female investment and insurance advisors in Canada, I'm committed to paving the way for future females in finance through leadership and dedication to women-led businesses in the community.